i LOVE ME SOME KARDASHIANS!!!!!!!!!!! Yay Khloe gets married this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though it sopousibly might be Kourt but I think that it might be a double wedding......hmmmmm that is only me though lol. I am so happy for Khloe though i love her <3 POor Kimmy =[ Oh well YAY KHLOE
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
i LOVE ME SOME KARDASHIANS!!!!!!!!!!! Yay Khloe gets married this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though it sopousibly might be Kourt but I think that it might be a double wedding......hmmmmm that is only me though lol. I am so happy for Khloe though i love her <3 POor Kimmy =[ Oh well YAY KHLOE
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hookah! Ah good old times! I remember my Junior year of Highschool and Senior year Hookah was def the thing to do! I guess because everybody got tired of bowling and movies we all turned to hookah. It was the only LEGAL thing we could do and the funest. I remember I even got a Hookah for my 18th birthday...I think I used it so much that it broke. I personaly still like hookah but not as much since now I can do other things. I love how the tabacco is flavored but sometimes you can really get a nasty flavor. Like double apple....wow that is gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I also remember that if you added mint to whatever flavor you got it was 10 times better. The good things: IT GOT YOU SUPER LIGHTHEADED!!!!!! it would last for 3 minutes and then go away. So you would smoke more!!! haha and the bad things of coarse by the end of the night you felt like shit and for some, it would make them sick. A lot of people are not used to smoking hookah and it makes them very sick at first. Others their body just never likes it and they get sick right away. I know I will always own one just because once in a blue moon I do love doing it and enjoy it very much. Yup. Do you like hooookaaaaaaaahing?
Hypnotiq or Hallusination?
[Image Via Google Images]
OMG.............................................Hypnotiq eY! I had one of these babies on my vacation to Mexico senior year going into college and do I have a story to tell. Well, first of all I always thought Hypnotiq was a sweet drink that hardly got you drunk and it was way over rated since it was always advertised by rappers and what not. Well...................let me just tell you it does mess you up with a few glasses. I think I had 3 glasses (the one the gift package comes with....if you want to see picture here is a link CLICK HERE and well let's just say I wasn't just DRUNK.....but i was HALLUCINATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well maybe not hallucinating exactly but lets just say that I didn't know where I was for 10 seconds (my eyes were open) then I would close them for 2 seconds and open them again and I knew where I was....then 20 secnods later i would close them for 10 seconds, and reopen my eyes and I began crying (i was told i was crying about something that happend with the person I was telling the story to...that i never expressed how I really felt about)...and then I would close my eyes, open them and wonder why my eyes were WET! It's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked this person to not tell me what I cried about because if I was keeping it secret then I didn't want to feel embarassed or ashamed hahahaha! Crazy shit right? DO NOT DRINK HYPNOTIQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and something like this happend to a friend recently......and let's just say it was about the same stuff that happend to me. Wow so yeah maybe it had something to do with the ingridents used because I am fine with all other alcohol and I know a lot of people drink Hypnotiq and they perfectly fine. Hmmmm......maybe I am just allergic also. I am def allergic to tequila everytime I drink it too much I get a rash. Yup, a Mexican who can't drink tequila! Sad ain't it? Hahaha! That's my story
[Image via Google...] (i know it's wrong lol)
Tyraaaaaaa........well since I haven't bloged in so long....I will talk about Tyra cause she is all that I think about lately since I have no classes. I have been watching her show a lot lately and I don't know what to think. I have always loved her show and because of that I started going on her website and then discovered from comment's posted on there that it is fake. Atleast this one episode was because this lesbian chick went out to look for "RANDOM" girls to hit on the street and one of them happend to be this chick who comes out on some reality show.....which was weird they didnt even mention it or anything it was like oh yeah SHE WAS WALKING BY!....and since theshow isn't popular AT ALL i guess that is how they got away with it....and then another time I saw this youtube video from this chick who said everyone had a script and they had to exagerate everything they said and they were even asked to lie if they wanted. I mean I don't know what to believe, but whatever I guess because the show is still REALLY GOOD and girls everywhere do learn new things from it, new AND good things. HMM i don't know but I think I love her no matter what she is a great person and a great role model in my opinion. She has done so much good and it's TYRA! How can you not love her anyway! Yep that is all.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
THE DS LITE IN METALLIC ROSE! Besides the fact that you can play all the Mario games on this baby, and that you can play with your friends if you use it's internet, it is the cutest FASHION ACCESORY!! hehehe it just looks so cute! It matches and it goes very well with my ed hardy purse :p Yep! lol I REALLY DID BUY IT CAUSE IT LOOKED AWESOME! and yeah it is really fun and all and it is like having a mini laptop :) ahhhh I am in love with it so much! I bought Mario Party for it!!!!!!! and I am waiting to get this 20 piece accesory kit that i ordered. Has so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh u can take pictures with it if you buy this thing, or if you get the ds-i then it has the cam included but I didn't want that one cause it's pointless to me since I have many digital camaras already. Okay, OFF TO PLAY WHILE I WAIT FOR MY PACKAGES TO ARRIVE :D!!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
How CUTE is she?
[Image Via http://kendrawilkinson.celebuzz.com/]
Damn she is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kendra Baskett is the cutesttttttttttttt person ever. Period! That is all there is to it. She has the best life ever. She was a bunny, she's married to a very good man..who happens to be an amazing football player, and handsome!, and now she's preggo!!!!!!! Her life couldn't be any better! Oh yeah and they are prettttty rich! Her personality only makes her 1000 more times perfect. I love Kendra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha. I love her new "Mom-like" haircut. It suits her very well! She is a true role model. Yeah she was in playboy so WHAT? She made so much money and she is so in shape! I wish i could be as athletic and energetic as she is!!!!!! Love YOU KENDRA
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